Leading tech blog in Zambia!
monthly visitors
One thing is for certain, numbers don’t lie! We have over 8,000 monthly unique website visitors at peak. Our audience is a niche market of tech enthusiasts and consumers alike.
Content writing
ZMW 3,500
We’ll write an informative article about your product or service to create awareness. Our writing style is keyword and research based so, your offering gets SEO visibility.
ZMW 4,000
Paid product or service reviews are allowed on our website. However, we’ve to test to write about your offering. Although paid, our reviews have to be authentic and honest.
Press release
Post your press release on our website for a very low fee. Your press release will be featured and hosted forever.
ZMW 1500
Banner Ads
Submit your banner ads starting from as low as ZMW 750 for 14 days and ZMW 750 for the whole month.
ZMW 750
Demographics of our audience
Below is a representation of our website visitors by age and percentage to better help you tailor your advertisement. We believe in proof and our numbers clearly show. Part of the data here can be confirmed by leading web traffic checking tools like SimilarWeb and Site Checker Pro. Alternatively, we can provide our most recent Google Analytics traffic reports before you make the decision to advertise with us.
Much of our traffic is Zambian
Our traffic sources are from different countries but much of our website visitors are Zambian. Our rate of returning visitors keeps growing by 20% every month.
There are a number of factors that influence website traffic but whatever the case, we still yield results. Since most of our content centres around Zambian topics, it’s highly likely that some visitors are Zambians in the diaspora.
Most valuable ad platform
With our website content already streamlined to attract a type of audience, you can easily place targeted ads. In addition, advertising on our website just makes sense because there’s reduced distractions compared to social media.
Sponsored articles featured on our website are never deleted and continue running as in the lifetime of ADSource Zambia.